Kind of. I'm a Godless Heathen from across the boarder but have been here since I was 2. Welshie by default!
Would love to meet up. That said I went away to Snowdonia last weekend. The second weekend away on my own in two years. Am still paying for it with the lady-love.
Saw the Retro Meet and am going to try to make it but 2nd Child is in the oven (metaphorically - don't worry!) and hormones are running high in the Gent household. Don't know when I'll next get ground clearance!
All I ask is you think of me and the other housebound husbands/dads!
I'm a dad too. got back from sydney Oz late saturday nite. I'm not suffering from jet lag.. my son is... which means we're all suffering from jet lag ;D
forest, do you go to pete cycleshark shop? ( ? if so please feel free to devoting an entire thread to pics taken from inside that shop