Where are all the fluffing amberwall tyres??

don't forget import duty and VAT on $630 US too. Works out to about £17.50 per tyre plus shipping in UK and thats with zero profit for the dealmaker!

A better idea would to be order around 5 pairs :)

and share duties between us..I would like a couple of pieces from FIRST FLIGHT as well as ;)

The tyres are very light, shouldnt be too heavy for 10 :idea:
£17.50 per tyre is still a good deal I reckon, but probably not much chance of a profit for anyone. Still, if a group of us clubbed together and bought all 12 pairs that wouldn't matter.

Edited to add: as far as I can tell, the import duty rate for bike tyres is 4.7%, not 10%. So that would make it about £16.50 per tyre.
Sounds like pretty good idea. I didn't actually like these tyres myself, but if anyone is planning to make a purchase from Jeff then create a new thread on here, as there may be people on here that want other stuff from FF. Like me maybe!
You're correct. 4.7% on the tyres. And then the total for the tyres, plus the shipping, plus the 4.7% dusty, is ALL then subject to 17.5%VAT. And then you'll have a one off clearance fee that'll be negligable in this case. Basically, on goods form the US, you MUST budget on +25% the cash amount to clear the gate guardians of the state. . :(