When was the Mountain Bike Invented? And who by?

GeoffApps":2r9xoorq said:
...hmmm, well, I feel quite emotional after that last post...

Hey Geoff, it is simply stunning to have you a member of this forum sharing insights both happy ones, and those such as these, unhappy ones

A lot of the business reaction to your ideas really has shown a stunning lack of vision, from this latest anecdote of effectively killing your business, to difficulty finding backers, to that amazing letter from Dawes... Blind to innovation and blind to opportunity

Yet somehow you managed to soldier through and get enough of your designs out there that we all know about it and your rightful place as an astonishing innovator is assured

Thanks Geoff! My words are inadequate but hopefully the spirit is there
Thanks for the openness. Very enlightening.

One can only guess how things would have turned out if you were an American. Britain hasn't been much good supporting innovative manufacturers in recent years.
Well, me obviously! In '62 or '63 the 4 speed SA Alloy hub on my early '50s Rudge did its usual exploding trick - on the A6 just outside Stockport. Cheapest replacement was a single fixed hub. Removed the 'grds, fitted the obligatory huge cow horns and rode it everywhere on and off road.

Oh alright, I only invented FIXED mtbs.....
When does roads with bitumen were created ?
The really first bikes created in the end of the XIXth century were off road bikes,, because asphalted road didn't exist !
GeoffApps":3g0bai6w said:
...hmmm, well, I feel quite emotional after that last post.
Thinking about it, I was an easy target for what one may term 'commercial rape'.
Who knows what would have been the future for Cleland Cycles if Ron Kitching hadn't figuratively wanked over me.
I guess, wherever his soul resides now, he is still wanking.
Such is the way of business, particularly in the UK...

I found 'cycle 'magazine at my local hospital ans was fascinated on the article about you (Aug/Sept 2010 ,so I asked to take it,replacing it with a bag of car mags :D

You were robbed,and I wondered what mtb' s would have been like with 29' wheels if Nokia had not had supply problems :D

Hats off to you sir and I know its not the same but this is my throwback from my youth,I just wish I could find knobblies ,and I have an eye on some big cowhorns ,still an every day semi off road ride to work

http://www.retrobike.co.uk/forum/viewto ... t=#1484305
Thanks Geoff ,a good price too :D

This is your article,I should ask you to sign it :LOL:


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Well, here is my signature, referred to by friends as 'the inebriate dragonfly'.
You could print it and stick it on your copy of the magazine article.
I assume you've seen the other press stuff on the cleland website?
I'm going to add several more cuttings in a few day's time


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:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: thanks Geoff.to be honest I keep trying to sit down on the old computer and learn some more about Cleland,maybe next week as im off work ,very interested tho,got loads of bedtime reading as its the only time we can relax after boys have gone to bed :D

My wife thinks I should read more than bike books :D