"When did it all start to go down hill for mountain biking?"


Perhaps apps like Strava etc could be used to see / monitor use of xc routes to get an idea of mtb ‘traffic density’ and trends over time (more or less riders clocking xc segments from one year to the next, for example)? Maybe someone could identify a selection of popular segments around the country and make a request to Strava for annual quantity data (number of riders who clocked a time on those given segments). Something like that..
quite like discs for road bikes but only from the rim life point of view and not getting sprayed in aluminium goo when it rains :D

Radnomad, doesn't the Strava heat map thing already shoe which routes are most frequented?
I think there is more variety now in the types of bikes around, also when i was a school kid we were all out on our mtb's, nowadays it seems more school kids enjoy xbox/ playstation etc than actually getting out there and riding!

I regularly enjoy riding out round the New Forest.....although those pesky horse riders think they own all of it!!