When all the car have died.....


Old School Hero
...because they will, when there is no petrol to feed them! Anyway...i find it funny that so many hours- nay- days can be spent stripping and cleaning our lovely old bikes, knowing that bearings can be pulled apart and re-greased, every nut and bolt we have removed is greased before being put back, everything is adjusted just so- in fact these bikes are better than new- but...i know i am...so reluctant to ever get them dirty again....! But at least we have them, and they are good, and when the cars die they will all come into their own and proudly come out from the dark! Yeah, ok, had a hard day off work and building the Rockhopper(94) back up and had a glass or three of merlot....hic.
Sorry when the oil dries up it will hurt every one. As our lovely mtb's use oil to a certain degree. Plus to say the car will die just because no oil when we already have electric cars & bio-fuel cars . Is wrong. The car is still the best form of transport.
tintin40":8hpru8xe said:
The car is still the best form of transport.


My bikes are my toys, and I love them. But apart from my 'loop' at home I have to use my car to get to any decent rides.

And I adore my car. Ok, it may be a Vectra but it goes like sh*t of a shovel!

Couldn't live without it, and to be honest I need it for work. No work, no money, no bikes.

So......we needs cars and I don't think they would be allowed to die.
:shock: Absolutely not...bicycles, in any form, are far and away the most economical, energy efficient, mode of transport. Ok..so it will take you longer if we are talking a long way...but for most of my daily life , sod the car and get the bike out. And if it happens to be a fair distance...set off earlier...and eat more.Oh.. and dont forget your patches and pump!!! :cool:
I take it we not just talking a car but the petrol engine here? In which cars no engines then how are you going to load 46 tons of goods on to a bike? A truck is the best local heavy goods car.
This is progress the world is not going back. Ask the Cambodians about year 0 and pol pot trying to turn the clock back.
The plane is here to stay, Too many people earn a living from them for it to die out. Mass unemployment for a start let alone all the food that would rot because it can't get to the shops in time
I heard Tesco are starting to ship some goods by canal these days to stores which happen to be conveniently placed for this type of thing...

I can see a resurgence in the canal network for non-urgent non-perishable goods.

at some point...

what you must also take into account is, when the oil drys up and the car dies so does the humble lorry, and then of course we are really up the creek so to speak :shock:

Everything you ever own or buy has been on a lorry at one point in its life, so beleive it or not that pain in the butt road hogging thug known as the lorry is a nessecary part of life or we are all fu....
orange71":1h78b0z4 said:
I heard Tesco are starting to ship some goods by canal these days to stores which happen to be conveniently placed for this type of thing...

I can see a resurgence in the canal network for non-urgent non-perishable goods.

at some point...


I think that was just a trial/puublicity stunt type thing to make tesco look good in the eyes of the green folk.

I seem to remember they shipped 600,000 litres of wine up the ship canal from Liverpool to Manchester which isnt your average canal.

One of the other forums i use had a thread about this and some boating type fella came on and did some maths and reckoned to run 72 ton of freight from liverpool to birmingham would take 1 tug, 1 trailer, 4 men, 3.5 days. where as 2 artics could do the same job in an afternoon for a fraction of the price.

Me personnally as a lorry driver would say best way to shift freight round the country is the rail network.