Wheel build

baron von greenback

Old School Hero
I really like the look of the straight spoke look instead of star pattern I know it weaker but if I do it on the back it should be ok shouldn't it it will be only rode around the streets so no hard riding what so ever what do people think it be a 32 spoke wheel cheers
If you are just going to bimble about all slow and easy then it will be absolutely fine. Tbh it will probably put up with some abuse, but its tolerance for abuse will be lower than a wheel with cross pattern spokes , both sides, or radial one side and cross the other. That is what the internet says, anyway.

The internet will also say that my 1 cross both sides 32 spoke rear wheel , that i do not treat gently, will cause me to die but i have only had to lightly re-true it once in 5 years of road, gravel, and light duty single track use.

I built it this way because i ordered the wrong length spokes and built it anyway so i could ride. That turned into seeing if it would hold up and then i completely forgot about it.

I am also the internet though :)
Thats the spirit!

The low rider cruiser builds have it on the rear wheels. Normally more spokes than 32 but you aren't doing Redbull Rampage with your wheel and it will be just fine.
Please don't do this: there's good reason.

The Torque from pedaling forces, even bimbling around town, will feel awful with radial on both sides of the rear wheel.
If you think about what's happening, it's really not ok.

Radial Spokes are perpendicular to the driving force from the chain, and so the wheel will have to deform to transfer any load. 🤮

And that looks bad to anyone with an understanding of the forces.

You could do radial on the nds and stealthy black crossed on the drive side though.

You can run v- brake levers on cantis
You can run a 7 speed thumby on a 10 speed cassette
You can fit a 135 hub into a 126 race frame,
You can, but it won't work properly, will cause problems, and looks amateur🙄
Shit that's what I was worried about bikeworkshop but I will only be riding on the roads to the shop so thought how much strain will there be then I useing hope hubs which crack some times so that's what was stopping me from doing it
Shit that's what I was worried about bikeworkshop but I will only be riding on the roads to the shop so thought how much strain will there be then I useing hope hubs which crack some times so that's what was stopping me from doing it

If it was ok, you'd have seen one already! Spoke.webp
See how the chain can apply force to the rim through the tangential, dotted line, but can't through the blue line, without rotating the hub.

The radial spoke has to allow the hub to twist in the rim before it can transfer force, and it will then create a massive tension in the spoke because of the extremely shallow angle of transfer.

Even if nothing breaks, it's going to feel horrible🙁
As said, it won't work well. It will be out of true and rubbing brake pads in no time and nearly impossible to true once it's out.
Cheers think I give it a miss then another question I sure I seen back wheels with straight spokes but the hubs are set up different with flat spokes is that why or have I got this totally wrong
You can have a radial non-drive side, but the differences in spoke tensions are HORRIBLE (radial is lower), because the NDS already has lower tensions due to dish. I tried it on my road bike and it never stayed true. Better is radial drive side, but the drive forces come along the hub barrel - fine on a solidly-built hub like Shimano but a glued Hope would be a ripped apart in no time.

All this assumes no disc brakes, otherwise the same problem will occur in reverse under braking loads.

Hopes are NOT designed with thick enough flanges for radial, which puts a lot more load on flanges. They crack under normal life conditions, so again this isn't a good idea.

I've run radial for 25 years on my road bike's front wheel (Campag Record/Ambrosio Excellence) and it's fine. But front wheels (non-disc) have no torque load going through the hub and spokes. I also built up my audax dyno front wheel as radial (largely as the flange spacing was narrow to keep tensions down), having checked the hub was approved for radial. Likewise, it's stayed true. So don't think me anti-radial, more that I take a horses-for-courses approach.
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