Wheel build with used hubs and spokes


Gold Trader
*forgive me if this question has been asked before. I have searched the site but didn't find what I was looking for.

I am considering building two sets of wheels. One with used hubs, spoke and rims. The other same but new spokes. Both with new nipples.
The hubs, spokes, rims are separated (spokes divided into front and rear LH and RH)

Advice on using used spokes and hubs varies greatly. To keep it retro I figure here is best place to ask advice as you must be building with used hubs all the time and putting many miles on these builds.

Does it produce a safe, strong wheel or is there a risk of hub flanges cracking?

rims are mavic 217 and 517
hubs xt 737 and 750
sapin race spokes and polyax brass nipples

I can build wheels, spoke lengths are correct etc- its just the suitability of used hubs and spokes that I'm seeking advice on.


His Spibbs of Warwickshire
Shimano hubs...
Strong as anything and if you can snap them XT M737 i'll be impressed.

Since you say new nipples, go for it.
Check the used spokes for kinks and clean the elbows and threads.

BUT you do have to post some pictures up :)

Rebuilding wheels using old bits is not a problem. Brand new stuff can fail just as easily as new. Just keep an eye on tensioning, don't over do it..

Thanks for replies. I am reassured. I will go for it :D
I'm very particular when it comes to spoke tension. I have a tension meter also just to check all is even.
It's been a while since I built a set of wheels and never from used stuff so I'll take my time.
Fluffy, sure I post some pics, whether I cock them up or not!
Just happened to be reading through Roger Musson’s wheelbuilding book. There is a few paragraphs on using used parts. The primary recommendation is that it is fine so long as you rebuild with the same pattern and lacing locations as original. Hub usually scuffed enough to see what the original lacing locations were.
Just to reiterate what everyone's saying- I've built many wheels with used hubs and spokes over many years, no problems at all (so far).. Again, it's been said, but just make sure the lacing of the hub is the same as it was. Of course you will!
+1, me too. The only thing I never use are aluminium spoke nipples. They don't last a second build, even if they have survived the first (which they usually haven't!)
Yup, plated brass is the best material for spoke nips. Aluminium has pretty colours if anodised, and saves a few grams, but I wouldn't use them either. Galvanic corrosion between stainless and aluminium could be a long-term problem too, especially with a lot of water about. Wheel building is tricky enough..

Thanks for the replies.
I have just started the first wheel, it's laced and ready for tension. This set is the one is using the old spokes, it will be interesting :?
I have the spokes laced in same direction as previous. I would only use brass spokes anyway. I purchased a new hand finished wheelset a few years back for my road bike. That had alloy nipples and three of them failed in the first year.. under a thousand miles. I re-nippled it with brass ones and all good since. TBF the spokes over-tensioned a little when I checked before changing, but still..

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