What's the coolest bike model name you ever heard?

Rev Cannon Dale":39mfb2jj said:
Giant Gusset is good for a laugh- Shows some product manager still has a sense of humour :LOL:

Cove too - who could resist a big Handjob or even a little Foreplay. Must find a G-Spot and swap it for my Stiffee etc.
A friend had a Giant Stonebreaker BITD, not a good name really but it was changed by us to the 'Pigmy Pebblecracker' which we all thought was hilarious. Ah, the things kids do.

Dead Rats":1imxwixo said:
gotta be the Kona Humununumukakpapatukatpautkoptofflastnight-A'choo (think I spelt that correctly)

X2 :LOL:

But D.O.G.S.B.O.L.X has got to be the winner, lets face it how many times have you seen a cool car/van/bike/gadget and said that is the dogsbollox.
