whats it worth?

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Dirt Disciple
i know that this question is usually a mine field, but i'm not clued up enough on such matters to be of any use.

Basically, im getting my bike insured and they want to know how much its worth, i said i'd get back to them as i didnt know.
so the bike in question is my Peugeot Perthus Pro, its almost completely standard, think the only differences are it has shimano 105 hubs f+r instead of 600 and the right shifter is 105 too (not sure why, as the left is 600 but cannot find the correct right one for love nor money!!) and it has a brooks saddle though i do still have the original, and finally cinelli criterium handlebars.
everything is period so mid-late 80's and condition wise (bearing in mind its all original) i would say 7.5/10. as it has some light bubbling around the lugs, alot of it came off after a good clean though and the paint is in good condition

heres some pics:







so any ideas? any help appreciated

hamster":133g2loj said:
Pop it in the 'what's it worth thread'... at the top...;)

Nice bike in timewarp condition.

ha, that'll teach me not to look before i post :roll:
Nice bike in good condition - but not worth a fortune so, if it was mine, it would be part of general household goods on my house contents policy. Only my 'best modern' bike is specifically named, all my 'classics', which aren't individually especially financially 'valuable' (even if they are to me!) are in the general part. I did tell the insurance company I have them (several in fact) but they were happy to include them.
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