Whats it worth? Campagnolo Pista & DA 7520 (Pictures)

Yeah, if you go the Ebay route good chance you could get closer to £200. Only issue is the big spenders tend to be overseas - USA! And good shipping on wheels to cover the insurance costs and provide proof of delivery is not cheap. And never forget as the seller you are liable for the item until it gets there, so choose your service wisely!

This tends to mean wheelsets often go cheaper than just a set of hubs. Silly, I know. Like destry, got a set of wheels for £50, this isn't as unusual as you may think. When I got my Airlite hubs, I bought a full wheelset for much the same price, while seeing good condition hubsets go for double that or more. I ended up just giving the rims away as they were nothing great. Full wheelsets even go cheaper I think as people have their own idea of their 'perfect' wheels, so are more often than not looking out for individual parts. I reckon 'authorship' and ego and sentiment often dictate bike builds!!!

The Campagnolo / Fiamme wheels are lovely, but as you mentioned, sadly, if you really want to make money you'll need to split them up. The Campag track hubs, being early, would be very popular I image. I may be wrong, but I've come across quite a few sets of 36h/36h Fiamme sprints. Maybe not with the red label, can't quite remember.

This would be better in the 'How Much' thread I must add, so it seems less like fishing for offers or becoming a bit auction-like. Or stick on a price and see if anyone bites. You can set it at what you like, so the worst that will happen is nobody buys them!!!

Anyway, that's my thoughts. I'm in work on a Saturday morning, mainly I'm just adding my hap'orth to to try to pass some time!
To be fair, they're items up until a month ago i was searching for, for my own project so i'd like to think my estimates were at least somewhat current. I'm only going on recent items that have sold through ebay or items i've seen in the classifieds. Whilst i don't necessarily think ebay is the best marker for consistency on pricing it's certainly a useful gauge, particularly on items that are relatively scarce.

If recent prices for certain track specific items are anything to go by then i would say the market is very strong, whether it's niche or otherwise.
Mods are more than welcome to move the thread. I am not fishing for offers, merely wondering about whether i should sell them in an actual sales thread. I didnt know about "how much" thread, sorry gotta keep my eyes open:)

Thanks to all for tuning in!