What year did the Race Face XY post and SYStem stem.........

Elev12k":364pv0qf said:
The XY with its set back was a great innovation for people like me. No other post offered 2.5cm setback, unless you went with quirky modifications. I really didn't understand. Companies were offering the most stupid things, but not something usefull like a post with 2.5 cm setback. When the XY came out I immediately bought a couple.

Its true that it has one of the biggest setbacks. Can imagine it can be quite usefull for somebody.
The XY post and the salsa shaft posts are still my favourite seatposts. Why they both stopped making them I'll never understand.
If anyones got a 400mm long 31.6mm salsa shaft post then I'd love to take it off your hands...