what was your first 'proper' mountain bike!?

First mountain bike, first love.

My first mountain bike was an 87 Rockey Mountain Fusion. I loved that bike hard for two or three years and then got upgrade itis when buddy got a new Trek after Uni. I think I would have upgraded that bike if it hadn't come with that stupid U brake in the back.

Then I got a Specialzied Stumpjumper FS - yes, I got sucked in by the crappy susupension fork. Loved that bike hard for about 7 years of XC and commuting

Then I bought a Norco Sasquatch. Tried to ride that bike on the Shore. It didn't like it and I had to replace a lot of bits. I sold it to finance my next mountain bike.

Which was a Kona Scrap. That evolved into a full squish bike.

I really miss those old 90's style steel hardtails. They were a lot of fun to ride. So much fun that I'm almost the proud owner of a 90 something Kona Hahana. Woot!
i had a dawes cant remember the name of it

it had hand painted gold spirals and stars on the rear stays

would love to find out a bit more about what it was

will post pics up sometime of it
My first mtb was a Raleigh Mustang (the black and white version) about 5 of us had the same model and the last of our gang had one for his birthday and it was the later version in a pinky colour :LOL:

Then I got a Muddy Fox courier in sort of a pearly white colour, my mate and i went 2's up on this all over the place until it was stolen out the back garden as my old man wouldnt let me keep it in the shed :( and I had only just fitted a toptube zip up bag thing in day glo yellow lol the late eighties :roll:
1993 Orange Clockwork in blue/silver fade, from Leisure Lakes Preston.
Had to go for a Suntour groupset because I couldn't afford Shimano!

Remember how unbelievably light and responsive it was compared to the Raleigh Activator I had previously!

Had a love of citrus ever since.
After vraious 2nd hand mtbs, my 1st proper bike, something i could happily ride today and give it some stick was a Trek 830 from 1993 i think
A Claud Butler Magna circa 90'/91'???, which was promptly stolen and replaced.

The 2nd one was promptly crashed and broken by me :roll:

So I moved onto an Orange Prestige by 93/94'
If you can call a muddy fox courier from littlewoods a proper mtb then that would be my first, if not then it would have been my '95 GT Timberline