This bike was obviously so good that they constantly upgraded it as it was on a par with, if not better than, more modern bikes.
They were obviously so proud of their technological achievement that they didn’t even need to used top end parts for this to be on the cutting edge of performance. They stuck with 92LX for fear that XT would make this bike TOO good and render all other bikes obsolete.
This is Museum quality, a benchmark that all others will be forever measured on
mtbmaniac":2xx47kfu said:But proto would make it very early, didnt they make frames already in the 80s? Why does it have 92 LX. E.g. 91 pod levers were flat, from 92 curved like that. Would be more likely to see it with m700 og m730 if it was actually made in the mid-late 80s.
This bike was obviously so good that they constantly upgraded it as it was on a par with, if not better than, more modern bikes.
They were obviously so proud of their technological achievement that they didn’t even need to used top end parts for this to be on the cutting edge of performance. They stuck with 92LX for fear that XT would make this bike TOO good and render all other bikes obsolete.
This is Museum quality, a benchmark that all others will be forever measured on