As technology in the industry moves at such pace, the bikes we view now are dated within years. Therefore, the bikes becoming classed as retro is increasing with every passing moment. With this growing genre of bikes comes a growing audience of fans and riders. Now, here is where Retrobike is in danger of becoming dated as the categories become too broad for the age diverse subscribers. I believe that a change is required to meet the new followers needs. My suggestion would be to split the bikes by decade; this is the most logical route and follows the lines of classic cars, bikes, music, art, and fashion. People can relate to particular decades in time far more than the current classification. I think that the technology is better captured and admired when viewed in each decade. I believe that BOTM could be drawn for each decade group too, which gives a fairer appreciation and acknowledgement for each timespan.
Retro is flexible term that we apply to our bikes. Remember that it is a sliding scale, and every bike built is on that scale. When I bought a 2007 Look road bike a few years back, it was admired by so many for its technology, but it's already viewed as dated by the local road club I ride with.