What size Kona?


Dirt Disciple
Hi! First post an all that.....

My first bike was a 1993 Lava Dome and I'm looking for a similar era Kona but...............I can't remember what size frame I had first time round (duh).

At 5' 10" what's likely to be the approx size I'm looking for?

Great site by the way! Am I the only one who thinks a lot of the current crop of bikes just look weird??
17" or 18" actually for a Kona. A 19" would be a little big. It comes down to preference in top tube length, stem length and the such, but you could fit either. Lucky for you, Kona didn't make a 17" in the early 90's, so that makes it kind of easy if you want a bike from the same era as your 93. Pre 94 Kona's had a slightly shorter top tube length, but all things considered, I would strongly suggest an 18" if your 5'10".
Thanks for the replies! I think 18'' sounds right actually. Now to find one ;)
That's the easy part...they're everywhere! :D I'll send links your way if I see anything and you tell me what model you're looking for.
18" Kona

If you could point me in the direction of an 18" kona, Lava dome or better, 89-94 frame then I'd be most grateful too.


I'll keep an eye out while I'm scanning ebay. Sometimes they will ship from the US even though it doesn't say worldwide, so it never hurts to ask (or beg) and take advantage of the low dollar. ;-)