What puts you off a bike/frame?

A few people cringing now, me included, sorry for starting this thread (not really) :D

Isn't it just great that we all have different views on beauty, wouldn't be all the superb bikes that feature on here otherwise.

One more thing, can't stand those dodgy looking wheels that had plastic bits instead of traditional spokes (might have been Spinergy, but not that sure)

Dislikes :(
TREK bikes,,not too sure why but i just never took to them ,they look to cheap and clunky
GT frames,i think the triple feature is wearing a bit thin , aesthetically
they look good, but i find them boring*see below
Companies that have the word PRO on they're products when they clearly aren't
Bikes weighing 40+lbs,i mean why :?
Anodized seat posts that wear then look poo real quick
Fads -ok im going to stir things up a bit here,Single Speed,not too good on hills ,something we have a lot of here on earth
Parallel push v's ,a great idea in principle,but they vibrate and cause squealing ,i think this is why the new stuff has ditched them[i've still got the little pack of shim washers they released just after the P/Push came out]

The Government..............On a whole bunch of issues

Likes :D
[Orange,Klein,Kona/hardtails] *GT sts*,these makers have really cracked it on looks, you can hang a tourney groupset on these frames and they still look great
'nice' anodizing though not too many different colours
Precision made components,king ,Paul,Hope and the like but for me needs to have consistent history as well
Introduction of disc brakes on mainstream bikes including mech disc on cheapies and kids bikes
more money being spent on development