what is this??


Dirt Disciple
my friend recently dug out an old bike frame from his dads garden, his dad was convinced that its a colnago, but I'm not so sure, its had a respray at some point and has no badge or decals, so ive taken a few pics of things that might give it away:

head tube, notice the small line in the lugs by the headset

rear brake stay

Rear gear hanger

this is the biggest form of identification on the frame, underneath the bb:

the only thing that i can find that even closely resembles this is the old lotus logo, and looking on google showed a couple of pics in which the forks on the bike look exactly the same (sorry didnt take pics of them)

so any help or info anyone can give would be greatly appreciated so we can get on restoring it

If it was a Colnago expect a cloverleaf cut out or an embossed seatstay cap or fork crown.
The BB cut out should aid identification on this frame but can't offer any more help.
Wahoo thankyou one eyedjim, that's just brilliant

Now all we have to do is find out what model it is and get some new stickers for it :)
