What is this from?


Fat Chance Fan
This washer turned up behind my workbench while cleaning out my shed.

I have a vague recollection of a washer pinging off a component I was stripping down, I remember searching ages for it and remember being fairly annoyed that I couldn't find it. But for the life of me I can't remember what it was that I was stripping down!

Anyone recognize it? It's concave (or convex depending what side you're looking at), measures 12.5mm across with a 5mm hole, there's also a groove in the convex side, not sure whether that's by design or a scar.

P1010075.JPG P1010073.JPG
Seriously it's of a front spindle not sure what the bike is called


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At first look, it is just a bent canti bolt washer, but he you say M5.
Something from a reflector/light/mudguard fixing
First thing I checked was cantis but like you say - too small, it was off something mechanical, I want to say derailleur, but am really not sure. It was integral to the component. I distinctly remember thinking that the component was as good as useless without it, hence the hours of hunting for it.

It will probably come to me, I'm just going through my stash to see if anything jumps out. trouble is like most of us I've stripped down scores of parts over the past few years, it's all a blur.
Washer wait,
Washer wait,
Washer wait,
Washer wait,
Washer wait,
Washer waiting for!