What is the worst product ever produced for MTB/ATB'S

Riding through clay (Essex) soon gets the cassette blocked up between the smaller cogs. The crud claw didn't really help though, just ended up with a big blob wedged by the comb.
I have always founf riding in snow that the cassette gets blocked up with compacted snow and the chain starts skipping all over the shop. If the claw prevents this then I am all for it! Never tried one, but am tempted to.
I liked Crud Claws back in the day. They worked well on the older 7spd cassette's where there was/is lots of room for stuff to get caught in all the big holes at the back, which seems to be much less of a problem when we went to 8spd and 9spd cassette's on alloy spiders. As has been said, very good in snowball type snow - I didn't need one for the few powder days I rode through this year.
That might be why it is that I found the claw useful, seven speed cassettes. I have just received my new one and reading the concise fitting instructions, it goes under the chainstay combing just before the chain comes of the jockey wheels and joins with the cassette. Any crap scraped out will just fall on the trail.
The mud attracting U-brake mounted under the chain stays, had mine moved by a local shop to the seat stays on my Giant Super Sierra XT, circa 1987/88, made all the difference-NOT!

First Grip Shifts with such a large gap between the inner and outer barrel. They soon filled with mud and grit and locked up. Raced at the Cheddar Challenge 1990 on a Funk with them and had to do half the race with no gears, or brakes for that matter, had to release them to give more mud clearance so the wheels could go round! God it was muddy to be fair.
thecannibal":xib0o64a said:
TSC.":xib0o64a said:
silverclaws":xib0o64a said:
TSC.":xib0o64a said:
Disclaimer: Not having a pop at anybody that has hit hard times, I'm having a pop at the underclass that perceive claiming benefits as a career decision.
You may ask how can such a person have such a bike and be like that, well an answer might be, they were not always like that, no one is immune to hard times and illness, no one knows what they future holds.
:roll: You did see my disclaimer didn't you?


I mostly saw a frankly bizarre and tenuous reference to the original topic in order to voice your own unfounded and offensive prejudice.
Your right, I take it all back, there is absolutely nobody in this country scamming the benefits system for all they can get.

What a wonderful bubble you must live in.
Point is it was written slightly tongue-in-cheek & some people seem to have a problem taking life a little too seriously.

Of course I wasn't talking about every single person who is, was, or will be signing on. But even after writing a small disclaimer to appease the PC brigade, some people still blindly carry on claiming that I have unfound prejudice.

How sweet the world must look from your moral highground.
nothing to do with moral highground , its a simple matter of replying to the titled topic with products mtbing can do without

if you want to have a gripe about society take it to your own thread in general topics
perry":18n23bh3 said:
nothing to do with moral highground , its a simple matter of replying to the titled topic with products mtbing can do without.
I fully appreciate that perry, which is why the orginal post wasn't intended to be taken as a serious view on society, it was intended to be taken with a pinch of salt.

perry":18n23bh3 said:
If you want to have a gripe about society take it to your own thread in general topics
If I wanted to have a serious gripe about society then I wouldn't do it on Retrobike, however I thought a tongue-in-cheek comment might be ok, sadly it seems not.

I made a joke, it wasn't intended to offend anybody, unfortunately some people are so PC that they can't let anything slide. I've finished with this thread now, but in future I shall remember to stick rigidly to the topic & not try to post anything slightly humorous.
