What is the worst product ever produced for MTB/ATB'S

not confined to mtbs but still a pretty piss poor idea

radio , on a bike , :LOL:


new in box too . im trying to inspire interest then sell i for a fortune and retire on the proceeds :LOL:
clear grips. they were pretty bad. got filthy quickly and always seemed to be really hard.

probably not the worst thing in the world but back on topic!
perry":3t8ckdky said:
radio , on a bike , :LOL:

Back in the early 90's a cool guy I worked with used to cruise to work on summer days with a radio attached to the rack of his old ten-speed... :cool:
Poyares":1qu6rjdt said:
disk brakes

No, they're the best thing ever fitted to mtb's.
Simple, pretty much maintenance free, work in all conditions. What is there not to like ???
TSC.":1ep6b0mc said:
perry":1ep6b0mc said:
nothing to do with moral highground , its a simple matter of replying to the titled topic with products mtbing can do without.
I fully appreciate that perry, which is why the orginal post wasn't intended to be taken as a serious view on society, it was intended to be taken with a pinch of salt.

perry":1ep6b0mc said:
If you want to have a gripe about society take it to your own thread in general topics
If I wanted to have a serious gripe about society then I wouldn't do it on Retrobike, however I thought a tongue-in-cheek comment might be ok, sadly it seems not.

I made a joke, it wasn't intended to offend anybody, unfortunately some people are so PC that they can't let anything slide. I've finished with this thread now, but in future I shall remember to stick rigidly to the topic & not try to post anything slightly humorous.


I admit, I took offence, because I am one of them, I am unemployed and on benefits following a nervous breakdown, that following redundancy, that following a marriage break up of ten years and that following an attempt on my life by working people high on drugs looking for some after pub fun. I actually died so the medics say. All in the space of 18 months. The last four years have been a struggle and I have experience the exchange outlets, sold everything of value for more essential things, the benefits not being that easy to get, and what is got is not easy to live on. Though my benefits have now changed, I still suffer deep depression and with it I do drink and smoke quite heavily, the cheapest I can find as is all too common with unemployed people. Odd is though, before all of this, I hardly drank, and did'nt smoke and I have to this day resisted drugs .

Recently the mood was that I remembered I used to like cycling, the memories came back, this website has aided some of that, those good times, I bought a bike, I quested and found one similar to what I had in the past and have spent near on the last two weeks getting it back to how I like it. It won't be a show model, but it makes me happy and with it I intend to use it as a means to get fit and get me out the door, as I spend too much time indoors, again a common thing with the unemployed. Since messing around with the bike, I have hardly drank alcohol, as I have an interest and it is going good.

So TSC, I now understand as you have explained it was an attempt at a joke, and I am sorry I bit at you, but you do have to understand that mentality is all too common, what with Brown and his recent crusade against the helpless reported in the media that likes to stir up public oppinion. People that read and listen to this government inspired nonsense need to understand the reality of the situation, it is not for the majority as is portrayed. What you said, was akin to what we hear all too often and yes, it is what many of us consider offensive and does nothing for self esteem if we allow it to continue.

It seems the public always needs a scapegoat, an ill in society to blame for whatever, the government knows this and provided one, the disadvantaged are the drain on society, it shakes attention away from what they as government are supposed to be doing and to remember, those lifestyle claimants were passed and provided for by goverment agencies. The economy is not being screwed by benefit scroungers, but by the meddlings of a government that wants to try new things, as has been demonstrated and will continue to do so unless the public wise up and start pointing their fingers where they are meant to be pointing, those that were elected to manage.

To all here I apologise for my rant, it is not retrobiking, nor is it on topic, but here, before this debacle, the thread was just me remembering stuff from my past and regaining the interest for my present and future, I enjoyed being here.
silverclaws":qi8rhn64 said:
To all here I apologise for my rant, it is not retrobiking, nor is it on topic, but here, before this debacle, the thread was just me remembering stuff from my past and regaining the interest for my present and future, I enjoyed being here.

Then stick around mate, there're a lot of us round here that don't easily fit into "social stereotypes", myself included, and at times I'm too quick to take things over-personally too.
I'm glad that working on and riding bikes has proved as good for your soul as it has for mine....

i read somewhere that cycling is a good cure for depression , i might be making that up though :LOL:

hmm if i quote it thatl make it fact

i read
cycling is a good cure for depression

if anyone else wants me to make facts just let me know