What is the one thing....


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
rBotM Winner
...that will make your cycling more enjoyable?

And, importantly, what you are going to make it happen?

[Note - this is a New Years Resolution thread in disguise, should give you a good jump on the whole 1st January thing]
A lovely new right knee.

And the singletrack skillls I imagined I had 15 years ago .

And a Moots.

And a fillet-brazed Ritchey.

Some other stuff too.

And to be less greedy.
The one (of many) things that might make my riding more enjoyable...hmmm...Just get out there, 'lash up' another build & ride it!

What am i doing about it...Stop worring about colour ways.
Complete world domination by owning every surviving Fat Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h;)

(think this maybe an ongoing project)

Haven't got as far as a make it happen plan yet :roll: