What is best to clean amber walls with?


Retro Newbie
I am restoring my 1996 Trek 7000ZX, that I have had from new.

It was my first bike with an aluminium frame and suspension forks. It has gone through phases of modification, as 'old' bikes do. It has moved with me from house to house, it has sat in a garden shed with bits missing for years. I am going to return it to standard 1996 spec and put a child seat on it to take my 3 year old out on and pull my one year old along in a trailer.

It was a bike I never really 'loved' and I got a full suspension bike very soon after so it hasn't had a lot of use.

It's last phase was as a road friendly bike. I have found all the original bits, and am in the process of putting the original stem, bars, brakes, saddle and tyres on it.

The original amber wall tyres are in good condition,as they were swapped for some black wall tyres years ago. They just have some grease / oily marks on the rear tyre .

Any tips on what a good cleaning agent would be that wouldn't do any damage to the rubber?


PH5121":2zr8yi65 said:
The original amber wall tyres are in good condition,as they were swapped for some black wall tyres years ago. They just have some grease / oily marks on the rear tyre .

Any tips on what a good cleaning agent would be that wouldn't do any damage to the rubber?

I find Muc-Off very good for keeping mine spangly :cool:
Not had to clean Amberwalls recently but used cream kitchen sink cleaner with a nail scrubber brush BITD, found that worked very well.
I use glass cleaner and it works fine. :idea:
No guarantee on the long term effect though. :?
Pickle":29rshymy said:
PH5121":29rshymy said:
The original amber wall tyres are in good condition,as they were swapped for some black wall tyres years ago. They just have some grease / oily marks on the rear tyre .

Any tips on what a good cleaning agent would be that wouldn't do any damage to the rubber?

I find Muc-Off very good for keeping mine spangly :cool:

Yeah, Muc off works pretty good..spray and use a soft bristle nail brush so as not to damage the sidewalls. I have been known to put tyres in the bath and shower then down before now....
tesco bio wash powder and a 40 degree cycle. But don't say it loudly or Mrs Radar will hear