What hi fi system you got ?

LP12 - Sima 2001 preamp - Sima 2050 amp (Canada's version of Naim, a tad brighter) - Linn KANs. Purchased in 1986. LP12 needs to go in for the ubiquitous CAPs replaced.

Hey let me know if ya need the LP12 tuned up... I got a 'guy' he's a Maytag/Whirlpool repair man.. he's got a great set of tools...
i have a naim atom (i used to work for them so i didn’t pay full price), and some oldis tannoy speakers (honky but nice imaging).

i am planning to get some kef r3s when i get my arse in gear.

all very wife friendly.

have to agree with the comments above about treating rooms. well worth it, though i would suggest a proper microphone and computer so you can visualise your changes. it makes it easy to try stuff with a duvet or two and see what works in your room.