What hi fi system you got ?


Raspberry Pi streaming ‘source’, Chord 2Qute DAC and Creek OBH-22 volume control for the Quad 303 under the tabletop. Rogers LS3/5a’s on Linn Kan stands.
Thinking of buying a new CD player. Namely the Rega Saturn. But then looked in to CD transports. As my pre-amp has a DAC fitted. Then I noticed the extra outputs. A COAX and a fibre optic on my Rega Apollo CD. Using the COAX improved things. Has/is anybody using the fibre optic output cable? What's the supposed benefits of that output?
It is just another interface to choose from. But maybe galvanic isolation with certain DACs that are susceptible to that?
You could also keep the Rega Apollo and buy a separate DAC that you like better that the built-in DAC of your preamp or the one in the Apollo. I can heartily recommend the Chord.
Linn Sondek LP12 (1980 - Recently serviced and upgraded)
Linn Ninka speakers
Nytech Audio CP112 Pre Amp (Recently serviced and upgraded)
Nytech Audio CPA602 Power Amp (Recently serviced and upgraded)
Bluesound Node II Digital Streamer

In the loft:
Rega Planar 3
NAD 3020 Series 20 Amp
Tannoy 611 speakers
Rotel RCD965 BX CD Player
In the autumn, my interest tends to move from bikes and cars to hi-fi. My Aura Va100 amp was playing up, so have had a reshuffle.

I had an old 80s Valve preamp by Rose Industries in the cupboard leftover from an Audio Innovations valve set up years ago. I’ve just reinstated the Rose feeding a Creek A43 power. Oh my.

That’s led to the addition of an Arcam CD73 with the Wolfson chipset (beats the DPA bitstream DAC) and a set of Quad 21l floorstanders. TT is old faithful Systemdek with modded RB250.

Great fun re listening to everything and picking out new details.

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