what have you learned from retrobike?


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
Kona Fan
GT Fan
before coming here i thought i had a reasonable knowlegde of the early to mid 90's.

hand on heart i can honestly say i had never heard of Ourys grips before retrobike
gt made a xizang from steel, and also one with a cromo bum. and that they made cyclones before psyclones.

and lots of other things i have learnt but for the purposes of this threadi will stick with my GT obsession :D
I did consider myself to have a pretty good knowledge of early nineties onwards, but there have been huge swathes of information learned over the past three and a half years.

I now know a lot more about the early years, a lot more about specific brands and I can bore the best of them with my knowledge of Shimano M numbers.

Through the Retrobike rides I've also made some great friends, discovered some great areas to ride and re-established how much fun old bikes can be.

Plenty more to learn and it's all good.
Mainly, a lot of detailed and quality info from knowledgeable people on various things.

In particular, I learned why Sbikes are more than meets the eye.

In general, I learned not to mess with establishment and icons, because people react not so nicely to that. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." ;)

In the end I remembered how bikes are just bikes, regardless how much money, time and passion you spend on them, how sometimes idols are meant to be shot every once in a while and how things that are fun are not to be taken seriously.

Riding a bike still is better than talking about one.

This community feels like a family and I love it.

Cheers Retrobike!
That some old tat has been blown up out of proportion - i.e. we went "ahhh cool" BITD but found it didn't work that well.

Fast forward to today and it still doesn't work very well but they have become idolised and sought after!

Not going to name examples for fear of insulting!
I have learned that there are folk more geeky than myself about old bikes :cool:

I have learned that internet forums can be fun and interesting, as long as you're into the subject matter :D

I ride faster now than I did when I was 18 :shock:
I think that is part of the charm of the scene though. I love my trek 9000 despite its poor ride because it was part of an evolutionary trail.
one thing i have learned is this retro bike forum has been a wealth of knowledge regarding the restoration of bikes.
it is also a great way of sourcing parts for builds.
it has also been a way of clearing out my bank account every month.
but i have no regrets when i can live the dream of riding the iconic bikes
which get my blood pumping.
i have learned that i'm not alone

lots of history stuff, mainly king charlie and his mates
brent trimble
quinn and s-bike
chris chance/king/de-kerf
frank(fred) the welder

and on and on