What have I got here? Hope C2 brakes


Dirt Disciple
Hi all,

Spotted these amongst a ‘job lot of bike parts’ listing on Facebook marketplace and just had to rescue them.

I’m fairly new to the world of retrobike and even newer to the world of disc brakes, let alone retro ones!

From what I can understand these are Hope C2 disc brakes? Ones marked 3 and the other 5. Despite a few bits of corrosion and rusted split pins these are in remarkable cosmetic condition.

What can you tell me about them? Still serviceable today? Still of use? Or one to resign to the bike bits archive. Who can resist some nice cnc’ed metal?


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Doing some research it's unlikely worth me restoring them myself. I don't have any bikes with disc mounts so if they're of interest to anyone drop me an offer! (if thats allowed on this part of the forum...)