What do you think of Shimano ditching rim brakes in 105 and higher?

....... it's not pretty though. 😁

Does that really need a SGS cage rear mech?

I get it's built for performance, but adjectives like "finesse, elegant, graceful" don't pop out - more brutal looking for me, with just a slight tweak of the murdered out look.

I personally think it’s very pretty and it seems many others do from the attention it gets whilst out. Surprising really since it’s not a bright colour.

Lugged frame , fancy paint , lots of history to the brand.

I guess we are all different …..
I love cycling, 44 years a 'proper' cyclist. I'll stay with my rim brakes, my threaded headset, my quill stem, my (skinny) tubs, my visible cables, my chrome forks and stays and my white socks thank you.

I don't remotely care about disc brakes, carbon fibre, wireless thingummies, fat tyres or whatever ugly shite is the newest thing. Beauty matters. It's like taking an art lover from the Louvre and showing them a scrawl on a toilet wall and telling them that actually this is more valid than a Van Gogh.

What day was it decided that cycling, bikes and cycling clothing had to be as ugly and overpriced as possible? Jerseys without collars, shorts down to the kneecaps. Don't even start me on socks pulled up to almost the knees, and excuse me but anything other than white ankle socks while cycling is a crime against humanity.

Everything since c.2005 or so can go and f*ck itself. It's pig ugly, overpriced and achieves nothing that the above can't, and with more exquisite beauty. And you can throw pisspot hardshell helmets into the nearest skip too while you're at it. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who has started cycling in the last 20 years and has to ride a contraption which looks like it was designed by a particularly dim 5 year old, and one with learning disabilities at that, and he's going to charge you more than the cost of a small car too.

Someone somewhere is pissing themselves laughing on the way to the bank, but not at my expense he isn't.

I wouldn't cross the road to piss on a 'modern' bike thanks. 🤣
I thought I was a bit of a technophobic dinosaur. Seems I have a way to go
Amazed at how long this thread remained about the demise of rim brakes. Kudos.

There's no end of cheap generic branded v brakes, canti and caliper brakes which does the job just fine so I'm not worried about any of that.

I don't mind disc brakes, I certainly think they perform far better in winter than rim brakes. During this icy snowy spell I had multiple times where my mini v's lost all power but my discs didn't. I am not a huge fan of hydraulic, though, just more faff for me - but the one pair I had were immensely powerful and very cheap. So I do get why people go hydraulic. But I do prefer cables, and my trp cable actuated discs do very well and are super easy to set up. So I'm more worried about there one day not being any cable actuated disc brake calipers personally.

That said I like rim brakes because they're such a basic design and I guess there's a bit of comfort in it being a design I'm very used to. Not that I haven't had discs in the past, but I've had proportionally more rim braked frames, so it is like second nature to set them up. That said the TRP's were probably simpler than any rim brake to set up after 2 or 3 times. I find it harder to see what's going on in a disc brake caliper but that could be because I'm an imbecile with poor vision.

I lament the death of frames with canti studs, and my favourite frames are ones that offer both canti and disc brake mounts after having been won over by the TRP's. My ideal would be to see frames designed to run it all, versatility and cross compatibility with my other bikes is always a huge selling point. But I'm aware that won't happen.

I will echo what was said earlier in this thread, that disc brakes have been around for a long time, so I am not sure it is really a matter of "oh all this modern tech coming to take over" in terms of the axing of rim brakes.
Not to be the guy that says *ackshualllyyyy*, but:
*engage adenoids*
Shimano still offer current Ultegra and Dura Ace 8100/9200 in rim brake versions. However, these are Di2 only, and you never see them specced on new stock bikes, as nobody really makes rim brake bikes in any quantity any more. But you can have your fancy 12-speed in rim brake.
So, you can still have cable rim brakes, you just have to have them with wireless electronic shifting.
Equally, you can still have mechanical shifting with 105, you just have to have it with hydraulic brakes...

So there.
Not to be the guy that says *ackshualllyyyy*, but:
*engage adenoids*
Shimano still offer current Ultegra and Dura Ace 8100/9200 in rim brake versions. However, these are Di2 only, and you never see them specced on new stock bikes, as nobody really makes rim brake bikes in any quantity any more. But you can have your fancy 12-speed in rim brake.
So, you can still have cable rim brakes, you just have to have them with wireless electronic shifting.
Equally, you can still have mechanical shifting with 105, you just have to have it with hydraulic brakes...

So there.

So what is the shifter option to use with say Ultegra or Dura Ace 12sp Rim Brake options?

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