What do you do when being chased by a dog?

Unfortunately, herein Blighty Pepper Spray is classed as a 'section 5' firearm, guaranteeing a prison sentence if caught in possession. Much as I dislike being mauled by dogs, I dislike sharing a bedroom with Bubba even more.

In the good old days bikes were equipped with frame mounted pumps. Many of these were hefty metal jobbies about 20" long and were ideal for using as a club for re-educating doggies. Even better if you slipped somethign in the weight the end.
gdb2b":3j7vd0q9 said:
A question for the collective readership here. You are out for a ride. A dog comes running out of somebodies yard yard barking and gives chase. What is your response?

Heretofore, I've tried to distinguish between the truly aggressive ones (pepper spray them if/as needed), and the territorial ones. Those I taunt, tease, and vigourously egg on trying to get them to chase me to their point of utter exhaustion. However there is this one that has become a bit of a nuisance. His owner is a local neighbor - they live about a half mile away. I'd prefer not to antogonize them, the wife has given me a ride home once after I broke down.

Yesterday afternoon I had to beak off the taunt/tease routine with the critter due to oncoming traffic. Typically it only takes 2 episodes and they learn and stop chasing. Given the traffic on the road, my doing so is likely going to get this dog hit before he learns.

The family members call to him (actually scream their lungs out) but he pays little heed. Because of the danger to him, I'm probably going to ride up to their doorstep next time so that they can collect him. Obviously the dog needs some behavior training.

What do the other readers do?
I always stop so the owner can gain control. They don't always appreciate this so I , or Louis the Superdog, give them a talking to. If they don't appreciate this,and I'm not near a road, I pedal off. Then, It's their problem...
I keep tactical counter measures as well. Inspired by state of the art Eurofighter Typhoon anti missile chaff technology, at the rpess of a button my bike ejects a cloud of hot sausages to divert the incoming missle. Sorry, dog.
if it comes at me agressive I will hoof it

Had a jack russell try the biting me before..he discovered hedge flying..I have zero tolerance on dogs attacking me
A million years ago when I was 17 and running around on an rd250 , my mate steve who had a kh250 lived at the end of a cul-de-sac half way up this street lived a jack Russell terrier and a collie , these would ignore you as you went into the street but would go mental as you left ,would chase you to the end of the street ,up to about 35 mph , so one day steve said "I'm gonna let that little bastard catch me and see what it does "
So he rode up the street at about 15mph , the collie charged out nipped at the back tyre a couple of times ,then sank its teeth in
Hell what a mess
As a postie too, i am starting to hate dogs with a passion :evil:

Got bitten only a couple of weeks ago, 4 hours in A & E, a tenanus and a £7 odd prescription just for doing my job. Owner not the slightest bit apologetic :shock:

I would do what England could not do on Saturday - launch the thing from the end of your foot into oblivion :D

Then find it again and stamp on it a few times (only joking for those of you who are dog lovers) :oops:
Update. The little yipper was out again yesterday morning. Same drill. He came running down their driveway barking and didn't stop at the road. Sunday morning, rural location = no traffic. I decided to give hime the full treatment. He'd chase/bark, I'd pedal and stay just far enough out of reach and yell, growl, and bark back. After about a half mile he broke off so I stopped turned around, whistled to him, rode around in a circles yelling, and he started up again. Repeated this three times.

After the third go round, we were almost a mile down the road. He was plum tired and just layed down beside the ditch and looked at me panting. I tried to egg him on and even rode up to where he was laying. He didn't even stand up, he was panting so hard.

Not sure, but I think he was lost too. I continued on. About 90 minutes later on the return leg he was nowhere to be seen, either where we parted, or at his owner's home.

For such a small dog, it's a bit unexpected as to how fast the little peckerhead can run. 15+ MPH for a couple hundred yards. I kinda wish it was mid-July, 100+ degrees and the road surface 130+ or so. The road warmth might help fry the paw pads....
saulus":2msp0rfs said:
Farm dogs (Collies) with nothing to do are the worst offenders IMO.
Quite fearless, no fixing their behaviour & pack a nasty nip..That's just their owners :lol:.
I have seen collies try to attack car wheels when on the move. Very territorial & deadly for the dog..

Owners ought to know really, that's the right thing, after that I belt 'em with my pump.. That learns them!

I would say 95% of collies are only interested in the chase, it's what they are trained to do, it's not helpfully though when they are not under control of the boss. Remember it's not the dogs fault it's incompetent owners who do not train their animals. Terriers just need a good kicking as they have small dog syndrome :lol: (only kidding terrier lovers......honest)