What do leftists actually want?

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So I am going to ask again. Instead of attacking ME, here's YOUR chance to tell me what YOU want (as I see that, yes, many of you are leftists).
What's a leftist?
that is a very good question. Two years a college and i still couldn't say. As i am very left wing on political world issues . BUT very right wing on social issues. Which puts me at odds with a lot of the 'left'. It's good to discuss ? I look at the left in this country and have very low opinion of them.
There are plenty of bicycle-related topics here (and I have contributed to them).

But this forum says:

I have kept it clean.🙂
If we're not meant to talk about anything even remotely political, then it should say "no political discussions allowed" (or whatever).

1) I did not say "that asylum seekers are just criminals". Where did I say that? Funny, I don't remember ever saying that. Maybe it's because I didn't? You just put words in my mouth so to speak.😉
2) I don't claim to be a "conservative 'free speech hero". In fact, I don't even consider myself to be conservative.
3) If mods don't like me they can always ban me, it's their choice. If members don't like me they can always ignore.
You know well the connotations of your statement. You basically said 'what do you expect the boat immigrants get up to', in the context of a potentially nicked bike. A completely irrelevant point which could only be perceived negatively. Considering this is British forum, I think most Brits and Europeans are familiar with the bile spewed about boat migrants seeking asylum in countries, and they know how loaded a topic it is. Context matters, and in the wake of everything that's going on in the world, your statements are just fuel to a blazing fire. You can argue semantics all you want, say you were misconstrued, grasping for a way to legitimise your bigoted statement. Or you could accept that to most people, it was inflammatory, a narrow minded portrayal of migrants, and you could apologise and move on. Especially considering the ongoings in the world.

Regarding you being conservative, you're the one adhering to a right wing 'meme' portrayal of the left, I'm almost expecting you to blame the cultural marxism next. Also you are the one calling out RB as a whole, unhappy with the fact that a more mature, older userbase wasn't more conservative. So one can be forgiven for assuming.

I don't know if you will get banned, I guess that's a road you're actively paving. Martyrdom? I'm sure there's some subreddit or image board that'd be better suited. I've heard 4chan has a bike section?
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