What did the Surly 1x1 fork cost bitd?

120 rrp iirc - we sold them back then.
There are decent steel canti Forks still at 140, but i think the surly stuff got heavier with the approach of discs. 1kg is light nowdays, whereas then it was 750g
I want what you are smoking.

In what way?

They are only going to be for sale on the used market now so they are worth whatever you're willing to pay which may or may not marry up with what the seller wants. RRP bitd seems to have very little to do with it.

In my opinion if you're willing to pay £120 for a used, pretty run of the mill steel fork then whatever you're smoking is doing a grand job!
Either way, £120 seems like mad money for a Surly fork.

Admittedly I can't find any examples of the canti only one but there's been a couple of the curved leg disc and canti ones sold on here for £75 and one on ebay that sold for £50 recently.

I've never paid (nor gotten) anything over about £70 for a Surly fork and I've bought and sold quite a few... 1x1, Steamy and Crosscheck forks over the years. Sub £50 is pretty common.

If you're willing to look at other brands you should be able to pick up a fork that does everything the Surly fork does (with the proviso of slightly less, but still plenty, tyre clearance) for considerably less, like you could have £100 change from that £120 budget.