What Coyote Ultralite is this? toptube mounted shock?

the red coyote (built up bike in pic) is a dh/xc also known as a f2 it sold for 750 in 1997?..i know coz i bought one and still have it!..and yup the carbon swing arm is still fine to this day
the bike the OP posted was around the same price i think. it was atleast 600 in my LBS at the time if my memory serves me right? .i nearly bought one but was worried about cutting off my nads.
the shock should would have been a fast trax on the origional frame.

i also have the yellow version of the dh/xc with the ali swing arm that was called the dh and more travel. both unused these days
pic enclosed is my old one.. she not used anymore as i now ride mountaincycle


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Old thread but thought I'd add to it. Not sure what that frame was called by Coyote, but it'll be a Fastrax Magnum also known as the F1.