Saw a girl wheeling a traditional ladies bike, complete with basket on the front, out of my LBS. She told me it had been her mum's and she had now taken it on and had just had it serviced, it looked great and VERY retro.
You might be able to find something similar if you have any re-cycling charity workshops in the area. They are springing up all over the place, and the one I have visited in Gloucester has quite a good stock of donated and recovered bikes, all serviced and ready to go. plus, there is always Gumtree.
You might be able to find something similar if you have any re-cycling charity workshops in the area. They are springing up all over the place, and the one I have visited in Gloucester has quite a good stock of donated and recovered bikes, all serviced and ready to go. plus, there is always Gumtree.