What bike part always fascinates you ?

Cranks and stems, particularly stems - I have several I know I'll never use, but just can't bring myself to sell.
I think wheels are amazing, so light yet so strong.

Still can't get my head round the fact that a quality lightweight front wheel weighs less than a reasonably light tyre.

a lightweight front wheel yesterday
Mmmmmm ...

I quite like the frame itself I find myself staring at the welds and drop outs whilst I should be doing other stuff :? strange :LOL:

Infact so much so I have three frames at the mo, one I will be building up within the next week or so and two that I may have to just hang on a wall in the house Shhhh though or I will get into trouble by Mrs Retro ;)
Anything CNC'd, some items are works of computer art designed by humans to a minimalist specification. Cranks and stems in particular.
Mainly cranks, followed by rear mechs I think, then brakes, then...

They are complex functional sculptures, purpose dictates form = Ooooh

I do love a bit of super smooth mirror polished aluminium...
Wheels mostly particular ethe dish in modern rear road wheels. So much dish and yet the wheel stays true.

every part of a bike facinates me.