What are your retro bike plans for 2024.

No more frames for the sake of it, just because it's cheap, doesn't mean you need it!
Sort a couple of niggling bits on some bikes.
Get rid of a couple that don't really get used. Why is this so hard? 😂
If the chance arises, a Bontrager Race Lite. The only bike I'll allow myself to buy if one comes up.
Deleting eBay would probably be a good idea, I know it won't happen though! 😁
Sell everything apart from one Explosif and my daily basher which is a 1965 Moulton Deluxe. I've gotten so far away from my biking it's a disgrace. I don't ride, I don't build and I have a loft and garage full of bikes, frames, wheels and components. It all has to go.
Judging by how many of us are declaring a brutal clear out I smell a buyers market in 2024, which is bad news for those of us declaring a brutal clear out as we'll be backfilling our stashes and have to make the same empty promises in 2025.

The cycle never ends 🤪 (pun ******* intended!!!)
Got a small number of things on the list for this year.

1. Finish building the Kona Coiler for my son

2. Build the Curtis SuperX when it gets back from paint

3. Strip the Curtis RaceLite 24, get to paint and rebuild.

4. Rebuild my Shiver DC WC, Z1 QR20s, Z1s and Super T Pros.

5. Source a DH frame suitable for my Shivers

6. Build my Cove G Spot

7. Build the yet to be acquired DH bike

8. Workout a solution to the bike storage problem

9. Clear out any unused parts

10. Find a DDG Sting frame to complement my Arrow DSS

11. Sit back and marvel at my completed collection of awesome bikes knowing that I don't need anymore, ever.

12. Be on the lookout for a Kona Bass
Selling everything is quite appealing, the feeling of being decluttered must be amazing. However, we all know how difficult selling everything would be. Last year I managed to be fairly brutal with my stash of mtb parts selling / giving away everything I really couldn't see a use for, this year my aim is to do the same with the road bike stash of frames, wheels and parts.

It will not be easy.