What are your favourite bike buys of 2023?

My 94 Fire Mountain. Picked up for next to nothing and spent hours stripping, cleaning and rebuilding it. Had to lose a few original parts along the way due to excessive wear, but got it up and running with what I had in the shed.
I'm reliving my childhood with the bike I really wanted here - I had the catalogue and always thought the Konas looked way cooler than anything else, but even the cheapest was more than my dad was willing to spend so I ended up with a second hand GT Outpost Trail which I still loved (it was purple).
Now I can start upgrading it like I would have wanted to do back then. Sure, I could just get an Explosif or Kilauea, but they don't have the charm as I never longed for them as that would have just been unrealistic, whereas a Fire Mountain was almost within reach.

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