What a miserable bunch of arse

David B":3u354z71 said:
Chopper1192":3u354z71 said:
I've really gone off the soaps since I turned into a grumpy old man. I only like it when Phlip Mitchell flushes Ian Squeals head down the loo.

Also, when Phil's in a bit of a strop he tends to make a sound a bit like a beach ball deflating, as Harry Hill has pointed out on many occasions. :)

My entire take on the soaps is merely what I see on Harry Hill's show - his abbreviated take on them seems to make them quite humourous - not so much it's motivated me to watch them in full, though...
I went to look at a Lightweight for sale in the stratford area. The bloke gave me directions and they were something like: "drive along something or other road and turn right into albert square when you see the queen victoria
Amazing! I never thought Al would ever say anything that we could agree on, but he has. I once had to sit through a new year special (more depression and plague for longer being the only difference from a normal episode) at a friend's house and I was really depressed all the way through to at least April.

Less, BBC, less!
My wife used to watch Eastenders and Corrie all the time until about 4 years ago when she decided Eastenders was nothing but nastiness & misery and she just stopped watching. She now says it was the best thing she ever did as the show was just like watching car-crash TV, with nothing positive at all.

She also stopped watching Corrie as she said that was going the same way to chase the ratings.

There's nothing wrong with a bit of misery on TV but not every night, on prime-time. Life is too short.
Isaac_AG":29hrpm2s said:
I am a confirmed soap oprah hater anyway
I didnt know she had her own soap!


"Just like that! You like my Tommy Cooper impression?"
Whatleymeister":2fnrtvmp said:
Isaac_AG":2fnrtvmp said:
I am a confirmed soap oprah hater anyway
I didnt know she had her own soap!


"Just like that! You like my Tommy Cooper impression?"

I just blame the spell checker on my mobile always doing things like that to me :D

It is a scientific fact, that misery on TV exists soley to falsely lift the spirits of an otherwise depressed and bitter population with the impression that "at least my life isnt as bad as that" :roll:

I tend to only watch Top Gear and Formula 1 on TV now, with the occasional sciencey based thing on the iPlayer (still pay my licence however ;) )
