What’s the one bike you really want but cant find, etc


1997 Kona Hot and a 1997 Kona Kapu.

I don't think I've seen an early season 97 Hot in my size. I've seen a 97 Kapu in my size, just 1 though and sadly for me the owner quite rightly, isn't in a selling mood!

One day they will be mine. One day...

Oh and Roland Greens Hei Hei but that's never going to happen.
I want a set of 1" triple butted P2's with a long steerer so I can complete my 1990 Explosif.

My old sunn tox back!!
First bike I ever sold on flea bay and like an idiot forgot to add a reserve,think it only fetched £82 :evil: :twisted:
The red Dynatech Diablo LX with UGLIs, or one of the earlier Dynatech Diablos with the funky paint jobs. People who own them are very reluctant to let them go, and rightfully so.
'91 KHS Montana TEAM in 19", said to be a P-23 in disguise but if the rumors are unfounded, even the scandalous paintjob would make it kind of attractive enough for me...

And a 1992 19" Schwinn/Paramount PDG 90 with that lovely XC Pro stuff, I have a 50, and they are very well thought-out bikes, especially for an early '90s MTB as this featured here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=264819