What’s the one bike you really want but cant find, etc

I hand wanted so badly a 20 inch framed Kona Explosif in True Temper or Reyndolds 853 in unmolested condition and a 20/21 inch framed Stumpjumper Pro in Ritchey Nitanium. Those I have seen for sale were either too rusty, scratched and too small. I was also thinking of adding a spare frame of a Trek 8000/8500 but again rarely seen those in 21.5 inch frame size.

1997 Kona Hot and a 1997 Kona Kapu.

I don't think I've seen an early season 97 Hot in my size. I've seen a 97 Kapu in my size, just 1 though and sadly for me the owner quite rightly, isn't in a selling mood!

One day they will be mine. One day...

Oh and Roland Greens Hei Hei but that's never going to happen.
Hello 2017 me. You can take these off the list 🤗👌