What’s the one bike you really want but cant find, etc

I've got a few I'd love.....mainly due to wanting them when i was at school and lusted after the bikes that paper round money just couldnt afford!

91 GT Team Avalanche
90 Saracen Conquest or Traverse Comp
92 Klein in Gator Linear Fade that i dont need to remortgage my house for!
92 Marin Pine Mountain
I’d love to see a decent 89 Dawes Quest XT, black and pink, with a Brooks sAddle

Might not like it now, but back then I thought it was the nuts
Rocky Mountain Wedge (the non ECS one)

Scott team racing 1995 with judy Sl
Scott pro racing 1994 with mag 21 Sl ti
Trek 8000 shx 1993