Weird headset problem


Retrobike Rider
I’ve a new frame. I went to get the 1 1/8 headset fitted by a mechanic as I don’t have a press. However the mechanic could push the top Chris King headset in with his hand and the bottom one was only slightly better. The headset is used but it won’t push in to one of the Surly frames I have. I don’t have a new headset but tried a used Cane Creek one which was better and a CK one which again I could push in, so I might try buying a new Cane Creek or Hope headset. I’ve emailed the frame builder but am I missing?
Not uncommon, it's a sign that your framebuilder did such a good job that the head tube hasn't ovalised from heat distortion. He's probably the sort of chap whose frame will take a 27.4 seatpost, like really nicely made Reynolds frames.

That said, I would prefer if the headset was a bit more of an interference fit. You could wrap a couple of turns of PTFE plumbing tape around it before fitting.
Surely as long as it's pushed in and won't slide back out by pulling it, then it'll be fine? Is Loctite really needed? Suppose it can't hurt

Is this the Mone :D?
i've rid bikes with less than perfect headset seating....i'm still here . suppose it depends on if it spreads the load evenly enough on the head tube....and what riding you do.
I had a similar issue, other headsets were a tighter fit, kings I was able to press by hand. Simply went with an alternate to a king as while they are nice, they do eat through steerer tubes and aren't really worth the premium for essentially an unserviceable item (though they last forever and I do have a few on builds).
Even cheaper.
Installed on 5 or 6 bikes over the last few years - no issues.
Only one headset had a faulty bearing when delivered - the seller swapped without any issues.

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