Ok Saturday it is then . . .
Any one want to lead ? (I have no idea of the area)
Below is a copy of the start location from the spring meet -
Location – Westcott (North Downs) just west of Dorking on A24.
Meet - Milton Heath Car Park .
Head west out of Dorking on the A25 and about a mile down the road you will see sports fields on your left hand side, look for a left turning, Milton Street. The link below shows you roughly where the Car park is situated. I don’t remember a sign as such but apparently it is sign post to ‘Bury Hill Fisheries’. Visible from the road there's a layby that can only take about 5 cars but go past that into the carpark and my source reckons about 30 to 40 cars can fit in there.
http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x ... newmap.srf
Time – We are looking to meet at 10am. Obviously some people have further to come than others and some will invariably get lost so realistically we will try and leave the Car park and start riding around 10:30am.
I will bring Tea Coffee and a stove for a pre/post ride brew
can some one bring cups/mugs and mince pies !!!
and wu its only 10 mins up the road