We_are_Stevo's Karma Ti Marin - Get a number here

Argh sh*t! Everything hurts! :shock:

Walked up the Llanberis Path today - nice picturesque route from camp site to pick up path instead of going down into the village and back up.

Just the one major plateau about 2/3 the way up until recovery mode kicked in and we made it up in a respectable three hours... :?

Weather was near perfect and we decided to return via the Ranger Path to avoid the thronging masses, then cut up over the valley back to Llanberis - the route taking us straight back to the site...

Christ that route is steep dropping down from the summit - decided it was taking too bleedin' :? long so jogged down after about 1/3 of the way to level ground then had to wait half an hour for the kids to catch up... a well earned breather if ever there was ;)

The unexpected 200' climb back up to drop down into the valley was a killer and could well have been done without quite frankly! :oops:

Anyway, got some terrific photo's and had a great day out - but I ain't gonna be able to move tomorrow! :roll:

Good to see a few more names to go into the hat on Sunday :D
Just bumping my own thread up so I can find it in the morning to copy all the names added since last w/e before I went away... :D
dyna-ti":a6cbwkkc said:
Change of heart,probably have it repaired so would like a number also.
Please :D

:LOL: You were actually the last name into the hat prior to the original thread being locked... :LOL:
So, the eagerly anticipated day of the draw... :D

When one lucky( :shock: ) winner of the notorious 'frame of doom' gets the dubious honour of being as instantly vilified as the lone voice that piped up;

'I didn't think Kates bum looked THAT good...' :?

...and one lucky runner up gets to thumb his nose and say 'I only wanted the Flite anyway!' :D

Draw will be this evening sometime around seven...

A very respectable 84 names to go into the hat - still time for some late entries... ;)
