WARNING: possible phishing inside eBay

Charlie Root

Retro Newbie

did you remember the rumpfy's Raleigh JT signature edition? Well, apparently is on eBay again, even with BIN price... but beware! The item number is 180166129704. Search it and enjoy. Wow!

The original warning (in spanish, sorry) here: http://www.foromtb.com/showpost.php?p=3316988&postcount=634.

The truth is outside. ;)

Regards from Spain.

PS: the fake page is http://login.odeme.sevgiland.com/hpnc/com/mg/ViewItem.php?item=180166129704&price=2,700.00 and here you can see a cature of it:
That is very serious, any unprepared user could fall for this one. This should make us be more alert everytime we see a good business. Fortunatly, in this particular case, everyone knows that´s Rumpfy´s bike, and that it would be a very low price for a bike like that (even if he had sold her to this guy). Stay sharp, guys...

Thank´s for the info, Charlie.

Saludos, Charlie. ;)