bikeworkshop Old School Grand Master Yesterday at 11:18 #12 Got a trio of ds1 disc and a pair of used cr18 rim All 32s
C chuck85 Retro Guru Yesterday at 12:11 #13 Mmmm, how wide are the CR18? How much are they per rim? I need to have a look at what rims I have to see if these would help me make some pairs! I’ve used the ds1 for front rims before as they’re quite a light weight rim!
Mmmm, how wide are the CR18? How much are they per rim? I need to have a look at what rims I have to see if these would help me make some pairs! I’ve used the ds1 for front rims before as they’re quite a light weight rim!
bikeworkshop Old School Grand Master Yesterday at 12:43 #14 CR18 ... 18mm That's internal - they are about 23mm external We have so many Rims down there in always glad to get some sold. £20 pair
CR18 ... 18mm That's internal - they are about 23mm external We have so many Rims down there in always glad to get some sold. £20 pair
C ceo Senior Retro Guru Feedback View Yesterday at 21:27 #15 i got that black orpahn 32° lightweight sub4 rim (beside some others).