WANTED: Specialized Umma Gumma Shockmaster S NOS

Last Exit

Old School Hero
Come on fellas - someone must have one somewhere :)

I have one and need another for my Stumpy build...

Must be NOS please, worth £50 to me posted.



Hi Fred
Pretty hard to come by NOS especially for £50 posted. Usually go for a bit more NOS. Try Scant (mike) he had the last NOS a while back.
I may have a used one, if you go secondhand. Let me know and I will see what I've got.
Hi Jamie,

Thanks for your thoughts - the reason I need another Umma Gumma is because I bought the one Scant (Mike) had :)

I think I paid £50 for it from memory, hence my price suggestion - but I am flexible as it is a seller's market :)

When I bought the one from Mike I assumed I would be able to find another - this may have been a schoolboy error! Mike kindly sold me a used one at the same time which I will clean if I can't find a NOS, but thought I would give it a try...


Thanks Woody - I think I remember seeing it for sale a while back :)

From memory it was a Pro Control - and I would ideally have a Shockmaster set :)

Unless they would work OK together?

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