Wanted:GT LTS Decals


Retro Newbie
Can anyone help?

I have recently had my LTS 4000 powder coated orange and black and am looking for some new decals.
Firstly, you are never going to find a set of GT decals that are going to suit Black/orange.

Secondly, what were you thinking....black/orange?

Thirdly, why has someone dumped a late 80's Raleigh Marauder/rusty crock of shit at my house.....Daniel.

Answers on the back of a postcard (or the back of the original LTS-4000 that I gave you in good working order) to you know where.
Talk to gil_m. He'll do very nice decals, might even have LTS on file and will almost certainly be able to customise the colours to match. Top bloke. :)