Wanted Wanted - 39t chainring, 8" rise chrome / steel finish (4 piece?) bars - now sorted


Retro Guru
Just finished doing up a 2009 GT Tour BMX and looking to swap a couple of bits out.

Anyone got a 39t chainring for sale (looking for something with relatively low wear as the freewheel & chain are pretty much mint)? The stock 36/13 gearing is a bit spinny when riding to my local tracks.

Also looking for a chrome/steel finish set of 8" rise bars - four piece ones would be lovely but anything that isn't black will look better than what's in there at the moment!


Not really into BMX, but I bought this chainring for a cruiser project and never used it. 39t, 414 industries, alloy, £15 posted to the UK mainland.


Mark IMG_20220312_132640.jpg IMG_20220312_132612.jpg

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