
Sandra Steyert

Retro Newbie

Has any one info on these bikes i have been given one .I is reynolds 531 tube and all the fittings are shimano except the wheels that are french .The frame says made in italy on the bottom


I have two Walvales that were made for me in the 80s that I have restored. The shop was in Walton Vale in Liverpool (hence the name) and the builder was Norman Roberts.

They were popular with club cyclists in Merseyside but were all handmade in the back of the shop. I used to go and watch mine being made. They then went to C&G stove enamelers who were fantastic. Mine have covered tens of thousands of miles and still look perfect. Build quality is very high.

Sadly, if it says made in Italy on the BB it is unlikely to be genuine unless that is just the BB shell. They did use Cinelli on occasions which are Italian. The date was always stamped on the underside of the BB.

If you post some pictures I can have a look for you. Hope that helps
Would be great to see more photos of the Walvales, I have just updated a thread about my 1963 Walvale with a new photo. Apologies for the rubbish picture quality.

Here's a few of my 1986 Walvale, that I sold on last year. C&G are still going and they did the paintwork for me to the original spec. They said that they were still in contact with Norman Roberts, and that he still did some frame repairs for them every now and then.

This had a Cinelli BB by the way