A slight deviation, still French, still gorgeous. A mono sided Labor truss frame, appears to be early 1900s. Just look at the frame. @Ingola@MattiThundrrr@grantoury@Imlach@Woz
If you like French stuff this is a great site, in French. Owners translation below.
Alcyon racing bike from the 30s. Beautiful bike today but what a lot of work to get there !!!
Indeed, I managed to remove the gold paint and rediscover the original blue/green Alcyon paint. As luck would have it, the frame had not been sanded before being repainted.
Special features
Small chain oiler above the crankset
1936 World Champion simplex derailleur (3 speeds)
Wheels with wooden rims
Double bottle cage on handlebars
Gloria duralumin brakes
Leather saddle
One small regret is that I haven't managed to find the original derailleur that fits on the small slide on the right chainstay (see photo). Maybe one day?