A nice original Tendil. Owners words below.

I'm sharing this lovely Tendil randonneuse with you. I recovered it in Briançon, now I'm restoring it and I'm looking for some more information about the years of manufacture, the components and the value it could have now.
Thank you

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A nice original Tendil. Owners words below.

I'm sharing this lovely Tendil randonneuse with you. I recovered it in Briançon, now I'm restoring it and I'm looking for some more information about the years of manufacture, the components and the value it could have now.
Thank you

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What do the springs on the brakes do
I'd be keen to try such a setup. I imagine the pads would sit quite far from rim and it'd be a very on/off sort of braking experience but it'd also be free of any of the rubbing issues that I get because I'm an imbecile with untrue wheels 😜
By all accounts they are not a powerful brake, again only what I've read.